We invite admitted music students and Fall 2026 prospective students to experience a day in the life of a Butler School student with a music major host! Plan to reserve 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for your Shadow Day, during which you'll attend music classes and rehearsals. Your final schedule may differ based on your host student's class and rehearsal schedule.
Shadow Days are available Monday to Friday between March 3 and April 25. We require at least two weeks-notice (ten business days) to make arrangements. Please note that we are unable to host students during the University's Spring Break, held March 17-21.The University of Texas at Austin will not take custodial responsibility of minors while participating in a Shadow Day. Custodial responsibility will remain with teachers, parents, legal guardians and chaperones.
Check back in August for updated information regarding Butler School of Music Shadow Day opportunities in the Fall 2025 semester.
If available, would you like to meet with a Butler School of Music admissions representative during your visit?